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The events, the exhibitions and the news

2019 –  2018 –   2017 – 2016 – 2015  – 2014 – 2013 – 2012 – 2011 – 2010 – 2009 – 2008  – 2007  – 2006 – 2005 –  2004


Until January 31st 2020

It has recently been inaugurated in the new location of Brescia gallery the first great exhibition focused on DOUGLAS KIRKLAND, among the “new entry” of the gallery. Main character of the fashion world, of photojournalism and portraiture, Kirkland has worked for the most renewed magazines for over 50 years of career, capturing Hollywood stars. On view until January 31st 2020 with the new anthological volume edited by Silvana.

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All Events

CHOPARD meets art at the gallery
VEDERE L’INVISIBILE. Arte, colore, musica

The extraordinary works by Douglas Kirkland, cutting-edge of the world of fashion, photojournalism and movie, will be the background for the a special emotional journey through the historical and iconical pieces of the Genevan Maison CHOPARD. The intersecting shapes of fine jewelry, the vibrant colors od precious gemstones, the dynamic sounds of diamonds find their pure state of grace in the manual creation of the best artisans.

Find out more on the next event

7.11.2019 – 10.11.2019

PARIS PHOTO: Nancy Burson’s Solo Show

Paci contemporary gallery will be attending the upcoming edition of PARIS PHOTO



The docu-film on Douglas Kirkland at Festival del Cinema di Roma

17/27 October 2019

That Click” is a documentary directed by Luca Severi on the life and works of the legendary photographer Douglas Kirkland that with his camera portrayed sixty years of pop culture ranging from photojournalism to celebrity portraits, from film photography to global events documentation. The film is enriched with interviews at Douglas & Françoise Kirkland, a Sharon Stone, Nicole Kidman, Andy Garcia, Michelle Williams… e molti altri!

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FRIDAY 25.10.2019  h. 7.00 pm

“Douglas Kirkland: The Icons

The artist will attend the event

Scheduled for next October, in the new location of Brescia gallery, is the opening of the first great exhibition focused on DOUGLAS KIRKLAND, among the “new entry” of the gallery. Main character of the fashion world, of photojournalism and portraiture, Kirkland has worked for the most renewed magazines for over 50 years of career, capturing Hollywood stars. The show will feature his most famous works from the unforgettable shots dedicated to Marilyn Monroe, portrayed in a studio in the heart of a night that became famous in history, up to his incomparable icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson e Sophia Loren. There will also be the chance to admire shots focused on fashion world, including the photograph of the great Coco Chanel and his most famous studies. An absolute preview will present the latest work linked to a photographic representation of the alphabet, the beautiful “A poetic Alphabet“.


13.09.2019 – 23.09.2019

Nancy Burson on view at Museo Marino Marini in Florence

Nancy Burson will be attending the XI edition of the Festival “Firenze Suona Contemporanea” with 4 new works installed at Museo Marino Marini in Florence.




16.05.2019 – 19.05.2019

PHOTO LONDON: Cravo Neto, Nancy Burson & Michal Macku

Paci contemporary gallery will be attending the upcoming edition of PHOTO LONDON.



SATURDAY 11.05.2019 h. 10.30 am

Sandy Skoglund in conversation with Giampaolo Paci

at Museo Santa Giulia, Brescia – White Room

at 10.30 am

On the occasion of the opening of “Sandy Skoglund WINTER”, Paci contemporary gallery has planned a CAN’T MISS – APPOINTMENT for the public in cooperation with Comune di Brescia and Fondazione Brescia Musei. Sandy Skoglund, exceptionally interviewed by Giampaolo Paci, will go through her entire career, from the beginning in the Seventies until her last and so long awaited work “Winter, officially shown in world preview.

Free entrance until full capacity

FRIDAY 10.05.2019 h. 6 pm

“Sandy Skoglund WINTER”

Friday May 10th, at the presence of the artist, there will be the official opening of the great anthological exhibition “Sandy Skoglund WINTER” in the new Brescia gallery. On the occasion of the event, the entire production of the artist will be shown together with her new work Winter, her last artistic accomplishment after 10 years of experimentations. For the first time it will be possible to admire the original installation, exclusively on display at the gallery.



Summer 2019


Paci contemporary gallery in Porto Cervo is now open for the entire summer season as following:

everyday  10-14 pm  16-24 pm

Artists on view: Sandy Skoglund, Michal Macku, Douglas Kirkland, Horst P. Horst, Nancy Burson, Ralph Gibson, Mario Cravo Neto

12.04.2019 – 9.06.2019

Horst P. Horst “A Beautiful Image

on the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2019 – Legami. Intimità, relazioni, nuovi mondi.

curated by Walter Guadagnini

Paci contemporary gallery is glad to announce the official opening of the retrospective focused on HORST P. HORST “A Beautiful Image” curated by Walter Guadagnini at Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia.
A journey through the famous shots that changed style and fashion of the XXth century!

5.04.2019 – 7.04.2019

MIART 2019
Horst P. Horst

Paci contemporary gallery will be attending the upcoming edition of MIART 2019.

STAND C32 – PAD. 3

24.01.2019 – 24.03.2019

Sandy Skoglund & her last work “Winter” on view at CAMERA, Turin

CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia – Via delle Rosine 18, Turin

Paci contemporary gallery is glad to announce the official opening of the first great anthological exhibition focused on  SANDY SKOGLUND titled “Visioni Ibride” and curated by Germano Celant at CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turin.


Inaugurazione mostra Galleria Paci

15.12.2018 – 31.03.2019

Horst P. Horst: a Legend of Style

On Saturday, december 15th h. 6.00 pm – OPENING NEW LOCATION & SOLO SHOW “HORST P. HORST: A Legend of Style”


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