Paci contemporary gallery, Brescia, 2016.

“An exhibition on the world of movie and fashion is impossible! We wanted to make a panoramic flight recalling beauty from both worlds, different from one another but close, through a series of photographic works, icons of our imaginary of the past century.

Ciak, action! Green light to the emotions and memories!”

Ideation: Giampaolo Paci – Federica Manfredini – Paci contemporary gallery  On the cover: Bert Stern, Marilyn Monroe in a black dress, 1962, Martin Munkaksi, Peignoir in a soft breeze, Harper’s bazaar, June 1936  Text: by Federica Manfredini, Giampaolo Paci  Translation: in english edited by Federica Manfredini  Page: 66  Cover: non cartonata, brossura  Prize: 35 euro

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