The Overseer - Weston Grace
Weston Grace


Grace Weston is an American photographer who has developed a personal and special interpretation of the Staged Photography. As a matter of fact, the artist works with miniatures and models to recreate surreal scenes, constructing and painting miniature sets in which she puts objects and characters, that then she photographs. In this way the artist creates real Vignette, giving life to a narration rich in humor and a poetic that moves in the dimension of childish fantasy. 

In my studio I build, illuminate and photograph scenes set up by me that raise big and small questions as well as contradictions on life. I like to balance humor with psychological tension towards anxiety, fear, wonder and mystery and at the same time I like to balance that sense of loneliness and alienation that is paradoxically experimented on a universal level. The use of miniature characters created with vivid colors, allows me to play, dealing with challenging topics in a way but lighter. It is especially through my little fictions that I like to improve myself searching the truth. When I was a child I entertained myself by building models, creating a reality within which I could grow and find comfort from a world on which I had no control. Only now I realize I came back, exactly where I had left, and in the same time, to where I had never been “.

Happy Hour

The Overseer

Happy Hour

chromogenic print on Fuji Crystal Archive paper
cm 38.1 x 48.26 ca. / inches 15 x 19 ca.

The Overseer

chromogenic print on Fuji Crystal Archive paper
cm 38.1 x 38.1 ca. / inches 15 x 15 ca.

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