Born in the city of Pekalongan, in the island of Java, in Indonesia, Mei Xian Qiu, a young American photographer of Chinese origin, has lived an active life and marked by strong experiences from birth, because of racism in the island against Chinese people.
Since 2010, Mei Xian Qiu began an artistic research starting from deep philosophical and cultural reflections. Her latest series, “Let a thousand flowers bloom”, reflects with both human and political terms on the notion of global citizenship and cosmopolitanism, criticizing the individualism of contemporary society, through a peaceful invasion of Asian soldiers, armed only with flowers.
The particular technique of this artist, which prints her photographs on plexiglass, gives his works a three-dimensional effect.
dal ciclo “Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom”
stampa su plexiglass
cm 66 x 91.5 ca. / inches 25.9 x 36 ca.